Friday, May 15, 2020

The Trumpeter of Krakow by Eric P. Kelly

Goodreads synopsis: There is something about the Great Tarnov Crystal.... Wise men speak of it in hushed tones. Others are ready to kill for it. And now a murderous Tartar chief is bent on possessing it. But despite this, Joseph Charnetski is bound by an ancient oath to protect the jewel at all costs.

When Joseph and his family seek refuge in medieval Krakow, they are caught up in the plots and intrigues of alchemists, hypnotists, and a dark messenger of evil. Will Joseph be able to protect the crystal—and the city—from the plundering Tartars?

My rating: 3 stars.

Content warnings: PG. Character gets mauled by a dog, several characters are threatened with knives, a character descends into madness.

Thoughts: The writing style definitely seems older in places. Especially near the beginning, which is slower than more modern books.

It is a good story though. The Polish names and titles can get a little confusing, but as long as you pay attention it's easy enough to get used to. And the plot itself is fun and keeps moving along at a good pace. I have no idea how solid the history of it is, as I'm not familiar with much medieval Polish history, but even if it is more fantastical it's still a good read.

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