Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare

Goodreads synopsis: "A dramatic, deeply felt narrative whose characters and message will be long remembered"......Booklist
(Real helpful, Goodreads.)

My rating: 4 stars.

Content warnings: PG. Some fighting and death, all fairly bloodless.

Thoughts: It was a decent book, but I absolutely loved the first description of Jesus. It's really a beautiful thing.

The whole story is really great. Set in any other time period it would be good too, but the Biblical setting really helps to put context to, and personalize the emotions and cultural attitude during the time of Jesus. Having a novel written like this makes it a lot easier to get a feel for what was going on, rather than trying to do what may be more dull studies on it somewhere else.

The historical accuracy feels solid. I'm not an expert though, so I can't say for sure.

And the ending did bug me a little. It seemed a little too quick and easy, and it gave the impression that there would never be a struggle afterward. Which I know is the case for some people, but for a majority it's not. I wish that would have been demonstrated a little more.

But all in all it's by far one of the best books I've read this month.

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