Friday, January 22, 2021

Wickers Bog by Mike Duran


Goodreads synopsis: Every autumn, when the weather turned and the wind came off the marsh, the dark waters of Wickers Bog gave up its ghosts and reawakened the old yarns.

Julene Ella Haddan is about to be drawn into one of them.

It was a grey, joyless day, when young Julene heard the song of the siren and followed its melody into the enchanted swamp... a journey which led her into a tale of murder and deceit. It's only the fated who hear the siren. Yet Julene's fate now seems bound to the fabled Lady of Lisenby, the spectral gatekeeper of the Bog, queen of the haunted deep. However, is it justice the Lady seeks or is Julene the siren's next victim?

Myth and mystery collide in this tale of Southern Gothic horror.

My rating: 2 stars.

Content warnings: PG-13. Brief description of a decomposing body.

Thoughts: I do think the story had a solid idea behind it, and it held a very interesting plot and characters, and overall it could have been a very lovely, very fascinating story. The problem is, it was less than 60 pages long. I would have been very happy if this book was five times that long. At the length that it was, there was not enough time for any of the concepts within the book to develop, and in the end it felt like reading a long form outline of a story, rather than a story itself. I love the atmosphere, and the concepts, and the aesthetic of it all. But to actually have been gripping as a story, this book needed a lot more length and breadth to its scope, and much more development within the book as a whole in order to tell this tale slowly, as I think it deserved to be told.

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